R39, 2023-11-19

NOTE: Swell Education Ltd. does not accept paper waivers, please submit electronically.

First Aid Candidate Application Form 

Please complete this registration form in full prior to attending your training session.

Please write your name as you'd like it to appear on your certification


Please write your name as you'd like it to appear on your certification

your certification will be sent to this email.




V0R 2Z0

For Occupational First Aid Attendants (Emergency First Aid, Standard First Aid, Marine Basic First Aid)

Under Section E “Certifying OFA Candidates,” Workers’ Compensation Board advises applicants of the following:

(1) Candidates for OFA Level 1 or equivalent certification must produce one piece of acceptable photographic identification; and

(2) Candidates have the right to refuse to disclose any identification information; however, candidates refusing or failing to provide appropriate identification must not be issued certification.

The applicant also agrees to abide by the following terms and conditions of certification:

(a) Follow the principles of first aid treatment as outlined in the Board’s Occupational First-Aid training programs that are provided to the attendant when he or she participates in the training program

(b) Comply with OHSR and the other responsibilities of attendants in this standard, and 

(c) Comply with any other terms and conditions provided to the attendant by the training agency when granted certification, or provided to the attendant by the Board at any time

Disease Policy 

If you are feeling sick or have any symptoms of disease such as fever please do NOT come to class. We will provide you with a credit that can be used any time in the future to register for another class. 

I confirm that I am not feeling sick.

Click to Initial

Click to Sign